bBY: Project 56
The guise of fairness and misconception of equality is destroying "The American Dream". There was a time when hard work was the key that unlocked the door to prosperity and success. This concept is fading, harsh taxation and fierce regulation is strangling our economy. It’s harder to start a business, take home pays are decreasing and the costs of goods and services are rising. Why is this happening?
An entitlement state is growing and is expensive to maintain. There is a misconception about how entitlements are funded. In order to understand why this is a problem, it is essential to comprehend the source of entitlement funding. Tax revenues fund the federal and state governments. Government revenues are acquired through taxation of American workers. Around 47 percent of tax revenues come from the top 1 percent of earners, while the balance is attained from “middleclass” American workers. The allocation of government funds becomes the vital concern. Infrastructure, national defense, education and entitlements are some of the departments supported by tax revenues. Entitlements are instituted to establish an impression of economic insurance or an “economic safety net”. Today’s entitlement programs are manipulated to redistribute American wealth.
President Barack H. Obama once said “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen”. This is a clandestine statement inferring government forged the prosperity of this nation. This statement reiterates the authentic conviction of today’s democrat party which is income redistribution.
Heritage foundation identifies that nearly seventy percent of federal spending is allocated towards entitlement programs. The programs President Obama mentions in his quote, infrastructure and education, receive a mere four percent of federal funds. The economic postulation of today’s Democrat party is based on the principle of production for use, to directly satisfy economic demand and human needs, and objects are valued by their use-value, as opposed to the principle of production for profit and accumulation of capital. The democrat party believes Americans should capitulate to economic security thus bringing a cessation to economic sovereignty. This economic system conveys a framework in which all “working class” Americans are content with being the same. History exemplifies human nature resisting these premises through the collapse of economies defined by this principle.
In summary, we need entitlement reform. The “economic safety net” our entitlement programs yield today is breaking from the sheer weight of the amount of people it supports. This will only lead to the destruction of the middle class, in order to reinforce the strength of that net through higher taxes on Americas’ workers. Project 56 will only endorse candidates that recognize the growing entitlement state and are willing to reform it.
We need entitlement reform. The “economic safety net” our entitlement programs yield today is breaking from the sheer weight of the amount of people it supports. This will only lead to the destruction of the middle class, in order to reinforce the strength of that net through higher taxes on American workers. Project 56 will only endorse candidates that recognize the growing entitlement state and are willing to reform it.